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Production Company

Coma Awake


Chojin ( Comawake , Melbourne)

Musical Influences


Deep Psychotic Episode Night and Deep Full On Morning

Current Top 10

Orestis vs Datakult – Into the Darkness Savage Scream – Last Judgement Crying Orc - My Kippi shoes Dronebixie - Zo Moth(Chojinated RMX) Horror Place-Owling Byrrd The Nommos - Djembe Folie Psyside -Little Bitch From Hell Arahat - Universal Hologram Grapes of Wrath - Rumble of the Retard Jibber Jabber on Earth – Alien Seed

All Time Top 10

Savage Scream - Wait for the End (Nabi Records) Kemic-Al - Smygle (Temple Twisters Records) Dylalien – If I Only Had a Brain (Avatar Records) Ghreg on Earth – Chapel Perilous – (Mistress of Evil Records) Fractal Cowboys – Alien Together Now – unreleased Kerberos - Dream Control (Déjà vu Records) Savage Scream - Acid Clown (Golden Dawn Records) Metallaxis – Out of Control (unreleased) Kerosene Club - Route 66( Temple Twister Records) Atrocious Berserker - Murderer's Suicide Wish (Devilsmind Records)

Favourite DJs

Hernan Arber( Mindelight, Eclypso.) DJ Teo ( disco valley records) Lev aka Leo aka Kindzadza, Fred from Neuromotor and Alex from Parasense..DJ XP ( parvati records )

Favourite Labels

Mistress of Evil / Unholy Spawn of Evil / Discovalley Records , Devilsmind Records/ Ketuh Records / Trishula Records / Cannibal syndrome Records / Black Magik Records

Favourite Artists

Goa Gil


Upcoming Events

Psy evolution - Freenoise featuring Dark Nebula December 7-9th 2007 Digital Submission - Warnambool- Jan 5th 2008- featuring Psyanyd-Bloodthristy Herbivore - Teknikality- Cold Noise and The Chojin.

Previous Events

Insiginificant little house gatherings and beach house mind expansion projects.

Radio Appearances

AIR Midday Madness 105.1 India.

Highlight of Career

I wouldnt call it a career ...but playing for 30 people at a small outdoor gathering out of Lorne, Melbourne



Edges. It was always about the edges. Sharp. Dull. Serrated. Fluid. Whatever the edges, it identified your mood for the day. In my case its the story ...and i love to tell it ...These are the two extremes of modern categories in the search for meaning and point of existence. Humans crave to know where they come from and why are they here ....Every 3,000 years the realm of humans is united with the realms of the demons by the revival of the Overfiend (the Chojin), a creature more powerful than any of them. The Overfiend emerges to bring balance to these three realms, but his coming means chaos and destruction. ( what were you thinking asking me this question :)

Studio Setup

Dell Inspiron Laptop 9300, P4, 120GB 2Ghz Proc , Behringer Midi Interface / Ableton Live. and Cowbell.

Bookings & Contact Info

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