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Berlin, Germany



Musical Influences





Come Into My Dream Now (as Trauma Team) Don't Make Me Cry Adriatic Wave Lonely Night In Vukovar



Tezya, born as Tezija Zararic (Vukovar (Croatia) May 4, 1990) always had her best interest in music, raised from a young age in a musical family and grew up playing the piano and singing. At the age of 8, Tezya was asked to play a role as the little brown bear “Misty” in the children television program “Bando” an educational program for children from the age of 5 to 9 years old. After 50 episodes the program stopped and Tezya decided to go on with her sporting career in field hockey, playing in selection games for the national team and saw her future in hockey. In 2004, it became clear that Tezya couldn’t go through with her sporting career because she had been in a huge accident. To survive pain and sadness Tezya started to find her peace and strength in writing lyrics, after writing a lot of German lyrics the time had come to record her own stuff. She recorded a few German hip-hop tracks and uploaded them on the internet, the track called “Herkunft” got a lot of great response from German mc’s and organisations. Nowadays Tezya is the songwriter for German rappers. Such as Fonz en Kraftnacht. She also delivers piano solos for these artists as well. In 2005 Tezya started to produce her own beats to combinate with her piano parts so she could make a full track on a higher level. More tracks followed but they stayed between her family and friends. Tezya being the perfectionist, didn’t think the tracks would be good enough to release on the internet yet. But everything changed in the beginning of 2006 Tezya’s track “Adriatic Waves” received a lot of great responses and the track became an appreciated song on the internet. Also her comedy track “Chicken Dance” received good reactions. Tezya wants to focus on the more serious and better work, so she will release her, as she personally calls it “for the fun made comedy songs” under another alias for free on the internet. Time goes by and in October 2006 she released her remix of “Come Into My Dream” which is originally produced by Thomas Omlor, beside this song she also released her remix of “Don’t Make Me Cry” which was originally produced in 1996 by Malev, at the moment there are several other tracks and remixes ready for release. Tezya will release her music on independent record label K-Musik and beside that she is busy talking with a, for now, still secret Croatian dance label to release some of her tracks on One thing is for sure Tezya is a name to keep in your mind, because she will never sit still, with a lot of plans waiting for the future you could expect a lot more from this young talented girl.

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