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Production Company

Doof Wranglers / Servants of Sound

Musical Influences


Progressive / Psychedelic / Progressive Breaks


Previous Events

The Awakening, 2006 Mother Nature, 2007

Highlight of Career

The Awakening - first outdoor party and a complete awakening to my desired musical direction!



As a teenager, my musical tastes were more on the progressive/melodic metal side of things. My 'dance' music days began around 2001. After many good parties and a heap of good tunes, I decided there was something amazing to be explored in this type of music. January 2004 - I was standing in the music store looking confused at a bunch of turntables and all the mixers I had to choose from. It's possibly one of the weirdest days in recent years - forking more money than I could realistically afford, to purchase something I knew nothing about. Since then, I have developed a love for the hunt and kill involved in finding amazing music pressed to vinyl. As a DJ, I've dabbled in the broad genres of breaks, trance, progressive, and house. My recent set at the Awakening opened my eyes to what I really want to be mixing - psychedelic progressive. That event was a huge contrast to the usual club atmosphere and showed me the powerful spiritual combination of music and nature. For the few mixes I've been happy enough to share with the world, go to

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