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Profile Database

UP Records

UP Records



UP Records


Sydney/Byron Bay Australia

Production Company

UP Records

Musical Influences


All Styles of Psychedelic: Full on, Progressive, Night, Chill

Current Top 10

RAZ - Multi_session RAZ - Unknown Chapter RAZ - Quest for light Primcyde - Blog Killer 2008 Talpa - Little Pink Elephant Talpa - Aboriginal Phat Controllerz - Buggered Phat Controllerz - Fuk It Positive Thought - NN Knaprika - Ghorgan



V/A Angelic V/A Recycle Bean V/A Manifesation RAZ - Digital Existence (Digital Album)

Upcoming Releases

Harax - Inly Crystal Clear - Strange V/A UP and Away Tristan Boyle/Phat Controllerz (Debut album) Mental Extensions (debut Album) Positive Thought (debut album) Digital Drop (debut album) Talpa (3rd Studio Album)

Studio Setup

Power Up Studio Sydney: G5 Tower, 2 x Asus Laptop, 2 x G5 Powerbook, KRK Rockit 6" Studio Moniters, Tapco s8" Studio Moniters, M-Audio 5" Studio Moniters, Virus TI Desktop, NI Audio Control 1, Motu 896 HD, Powercore X8, Korg Kontrol49. Cubase 4 Logic Studio + Heaps of Plug Ins

Bookings & Contact Info

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