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Oldenburg, Germany

Musical Influences




Upcoming Events

02-05.2006 BellaLuna Dance Festival, Switzerland 31.12.2006 Fullmo(on) Part 2, Grube, Winterberg

Previous Events

Review 2005: 28-30.1. 2005 Liquid Conspiracy, Lingen 2.02.2005 Medienensemble Uni-Oldenburg 28.02.2005 Oh-ton Ensemble Oldenburg 1.03.2005 Rappelkiste, Alhambra, Oldenburg 16.04.2005 Waldfrieden on Tour in Berlin 13.05.2005 Teonantacl, Alhambra, Oldenburg 20-22.05.2005 Zelbinion Gathering, Bremerhafen 22.07.2005 VOOV – Experience, Putlitz 12-14.08.2005 Wonderland 9, Wald-Frieden 17.09.2005 LunaStar umsonst & draußen, Hannover

Highlight of Career

Voov-Experience 2005


For some free Visual Donwloads & more infos, go to: Namaste!



Artistical Concept: The style of my clips is colourful and ranges from mystic-psychedelic to futuristic-surrealistic. I´m mixing beat-matched or phrase-matched. My videos are composed in stylistic and thematic units and create a associative-narrative plot. The preparatory processing and the actual editing during the mix emerges multi-layered animations, which always center around a motif but still allow room for the viewer's individual associations. My mixes contain a narrative idea and therefore distinguish themselves from computer-generated visualisation, absolute abstraction or arbitrary mixing. The connection of pictures in multi-layered clips creates new significances. New realities emerge, as apparently incongruous realities are combined with one another. This is comparable with a surrealistic collage or the cut-up style of punk aesthetics… With all this in effect, my visuals are in constant change and perpetual flow. ______________________________________________________

Studio Setup

Equipment: MK-249C2 Shuttle XPC Barebone System mit Intel P IV 640 3,2GHz ATI X600Pro 128MB PCI-e Various Software Toshiba TLP S-10 30m VGA Canon Powershot 75A Two 3x4m Screen, Splitter

Bookings & Contact Info

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