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Production Company

Electric Power Pole Productions


Electric Power Pole Records

Musical Influences


Full-on progressive night music (crunch), power morning melodies


Previous Events

Track 5, [perth - Monkey See Monkey Do, Varanasi, Jaranasi, Mexicana New Years, Boing, Technomajikal, Monkey Business /perth], Location 2 hrs launch party, Cycle Logical, Day Out of Time, Cosmic Couriers, SevenFourSeven, Hyperborea (b2b with SETH), Check 7, Tribal Shift, Elixir 5, Track 4, I like Doofing, Gary, Doofpixnic 2, Treck 7, Earthdance 2002 (b2b with simon), Track 7, Paramapada

Radio Appearances

FBI - Discordian Hour (x5), 2ser - Tranceport (x3), 2blu - Electronic Expressions

Highlight of Career

PLaying a cruncy tech night set to a packed floor at cycle logical



1st discovered psy-trance at corndale hall (near lismore) in '98 and never looked back. I've been mixing it up in my bedrrom since '99 and played my 1st set in the bush on a sunday afternoon in sept. 2002 (track 7). Started out playing the morning styles, lots of power and melodies, but lately I've been playing more cruchy nighttime sets. But whatever style I'm playing i make sure i end up somewhere pretty far away, musically, from where I started

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