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Profile Database

Vj Gabiru

Vj Gabiru



Vj Gabiru


Salvador - Bahia - Brasil

Production Company




Musical Influences


visuals psytrance

Current Top 10

Yagê vs Pattch bay - Narya Azax Sindrom vs Digital Talk - Hagigat Dino Psaras - Riddium Braincell - Universal Language Braincell- Energetic

Favourite DJs

Dimitri Nakov, Nazca, Antaro, Swarup, Frederic (neuromotor), Divinori

Favourite Labels

Warp, Machanics, Glowing Flame, twisted

Favourite Artists

Shpongle, Simon Posford, Braincell, Neuromotor, Aphex Twin, Hallucinogen


Previous Events

Pulsar (Salvador - Bahia september and december of 2005), Universo Paralello (Festival of new year at Pratigi - Bahia 2005/2006) Trance Vibrations (Brasilia - march 2006), After Dreams (Porto de Galinhas - Pernambuco - January of 2006), Aurora (Salvador - Bahia March of 2006), Solar de Atom (Salvador - Bahia, January of 2006), Psy circus (Aracaju - Sergipe, June of 2006)



My work is a adventure into the sintaxes possibilits between psycadhelic imagens and reality scenes, is a constant transformation of colours, forms and point of views of our perceptions. My Vj set is on-line at

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