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Factor1 audio

Factor1 audio



Factor1 audio


newcastle/ Any where

Production Company



UP Records

Musical Influences



Favourite DJs

Neauron Compost, Kaneda, Khophat, Akin, Psyllium, Abuse, Symm, Yobi, Igor,Nick Taylor,Jayk, Tetrameth, Shadow FX, Kophat, just to name a few


Previous Events

Brownies Birthday '07, UP records RAZ album launch party '07, PHANTASMAGORICAL '07, Newie Xmas Party '07,'08, BENT PERCEPTION '07,'08,09' RECOMENDED SOLUTIONS '08,09, Metaphsysics'08, Doofcorp'08,Benny Banana's Birthday, Clarendon Hotel/Sunday Fundaze, Earthdance Outdoor '09, Strawberry Fields, Kamakazie, Newpsycle '09, Bent Perception'10, Newpsycle '10,

Highlight of Career

still coming but I have had a few



Full KV2 EX/ES series Rig up to 25K coupled to a state of the art dbx drive rack, if you are serious about sound quality and ball busting base you would not bother with anything else. If you need something bigger than this which is highly unlikely I am fully backed by the right people. I also have a really good sound tech, stage organiser called Bain. Alias "Distant Rumbles" :-)

Studio Setup

KV2 ES and EX Rigs/ Access to VHD Rig

Bookings & Contact Info

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