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Profile Database

spectrul dimension

spectrul dimension



spectrul dimension



Production Company

none :(



Musical Influences


full on night,full on morning,melodic psy,prog,ambiant

Current Top 10

1.entropy (every track from purple people) 2.pondscum-formal absences of precious things 3.slug-break out 4.neelix-inqusition symphonie 5.cosmic tone-open your eyes peculiar-crystal energy 7.seroxat-doomsday 8.logic bomb-drop target 9.terraformers-red planet 10.son kite-on air (lemon 8 rmx)

All Time Top 10

way 2 heard to decide there is so much good music out there.

Favourite DJs

mash,luke psy walker,sunrunner,raptor,shankara,bim

Favourite Labels

ketuh,doof,tip world,pixan,yoyo,digital psyonics,iboga,epp,ap,acid casulties

Favourite Artists

sesto sento,psytrain,etnica,entropy,zirkin,freq,antix,raja ram,saiko pod,smuhg,neelix,shpongle,solar fields,symphonix


Highlight of Career

being introduced to psy :)



Im really keen to get a gig and get signed to a label as a dj, ive spent many hrs practicing to achieve this so please contact me and i can send u a mix cd!!!!!!! Also getting a computer soon and a small synth to start producing my own music and develop my style in various genres!

Studio Setup

2 cdj 200's,djm 3000 mixer

Bookings & Contact Info

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