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Linz (Austria), Zurich (Switzerland), Melbourne (Australia)



Musical Influences


Ambient Spice | Visual Experience



The collective NEON GOLDEN was founded by Stefan Kainbacher and Tim Devine. Stefan has studied communication design in Dornbirn, Manchester and Berlin. Recently he moved to Linz to study art. He earns his living with his design studio BEAUTY PARLOUR. Formerly the resident VJ at the lounge club in Dornbirn, Stefan has performed widely including at the Cabaret Renz in Vienna and Nightgallery Antje Öklesund in Berlin. Together with Tim he organized and performed at con/temporary ballroom, where they also exhibited the internet-based live data installation I LOVE YOU 2005. Tim finished his studies of Design and Music in Melbourne and Dornbirn and works as an Artist in Residence at Experimedia in Melbourne. He is currently working on a series of installations called Elicit, which will be updated and exhibited every two months in 2006. Tim is deeply involved in the growing VJ scene in Melbourne, where he has been involved in such varied projects as the Melbourne International Animation Festival and The Kiss My After Effects Festival, in addition to organizing the monthly a(c)id tek show pitch (b):tch with other local performers. NEON GOLDEN is known for their intense and colorful mix of film footage and computer generated graphics. Focusing on concept based works NEON GOLDEN always use a small set of vivid colors and iconographies to expand the spectators experience. Building their own tools with visual programming languages they experiment with various input devices like cameras, theremins or turntables in combination with live data sources like soundstreams or internet-data. understanding space as interface and canvas at the same time, NEON GOLDEN integrates their interactive installations seamlessly into the environment.

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