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Production Company

Video Justice League

Musical Influences


Live Vision-Candy Master

Favourite Artists

DAFT PUNK ('Never Ever Land' tour blew my mind, and their visual production work just inspires me)


Previous Events

Dragon Dreaming 2010,2009,2008; Liquid Sun; Galactic Centre; Cut Sick & Sideproject Gatherings; ReGrowth 2011, 2010, Launch 2009; Crystal Bass; ADRENALINE; NYE in Garema 2005,06,07,08,09,10; Gatecrasher NYE07; Foreshore; Warehouse; Stonefest; Academy Nightclub and random private parties for people that like purdy patterns... (If I've missed your event please remind me)

Radio Appearances

Weekly Radio show on 87.8 -

Upcoming Releases

New concepts in show triggering, Augmented Reality and Video Art installations.



Based in Canberra, INSAN3 fell into VJing through some associates asking him to do the work. It was lub at first sight and soon he started VDJing and producing his own Music Videos. These days INSAN3 likes to squeeze in VJing gigs wherever he can. INSAN3 works as a commercial DJ (well that's the easist description) - but does love a good party where he can take it easy, have a drink and throw iCandy without mercy to all the little boys and girls... He is the optional extra (plus one) to the hugely talented (live) duo that is Paqman. In conjunction with other shenanigans, INSAN3 performs his own themed visuals to their popular live sets. Vague Performance Description: Widely Varied from sound-reactive generative work, through to stock and texture; heavy digital effects and constantly evolving with the DJ's on stage. INSAN3 has worked on a wide range of productions, usually satisfying more than one role as his background stems from Information Technology, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering.

Studio Setup

Lots of Gear in the past and I'm sure in the future; Currently I enjoy plugging into a Edirol V4 and slamming the fcuk out of it! Primary Visuals Rig is powered by Intel i7 950 @ 3.9Ghz, Tripple 12Gig Corsair, Nvidia 8400 + Nvidia 9800GT (+ sometimes Radeon 4870). Software: I perform with Resolume Avenue, and usually run either Whorld or R4 on another output, feeding back into the same machine.

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